Truly, New Blood at the Emmys

Some fresh, new blood has been injected into the races for this year’s Emmy awards and some interesting additions and omissions make this one of the most interesting seasons in years.  And, it will be a short one with the televised ceremonies set for August 29. The Emmys are known for anointing some of the same people for years on end.  Tony Shalhoub is a perfect example.  Although his show, “Monk,” has ended its...

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Move Over Alec and Christian, Here’s Mel!

Yes ladies and gentlemen, we’ve probably all seen and heard it before. We’ve all known abusive men like Mel Gibson. Whether it be in the workplace, in the home or in a romantic relationship, there’s nothing new about Gibson’s hateful rant directed at his former girlfriend.  Listening to the just-released tape, no matter by whom, how or why, what was unusual was the racist element of his diatribe. Sure we’ve all...

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The King Will Be Gone, But Not Forgotten

CNN will soon be saying goodbye to the person who helped put it on the media map 25 years ago. No real “suspends,” especially after that nasty on again/off again divorce and affair with his wife’s sister scandal, but “Larry King Live” will sign off this fall. The 76-year old King says he’s not leaving CNN entirely, and will do periodic specials, a la Barbara Walters, it appears. The ratings were down, sure, but now CNN has to replace...

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It's So Fox

At the end of the day, it’s still going to be very difficult to say goodbye to Jack Bauer. (Losing Renee was hard enough.) At Fox’s upfront presentation–during which Keifer Sutherland made somewhat infamous remarks last year, just after his Met head-bashing incident, the network was clearly moving on from ’24.” This time, Hugh Laurie and Jane Lynch were the talent with speaking roles, with Laurie charming...

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NBC Does Look More Colorful

It was NBC’s first actual upfront in several years, and it got off to a rousing opening at the NY Hilton with a taped opening from Jack Donaghy, er, Alec Baldwin, who urged several thousand attendees to get drunk at the lunch and blow off Fox. That probably didn’t happen, as there were several hours of recovery time in between presentations. The peacock net has been working overtime to make up for the 10 p.m. Jay debacle,...

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