This is the product you didn’t know you couldn’t live without. Developed by Los Angeles-based business partners Wendy Rose Berry and Eugenia Marshall based on their real-world experiences, ConditionHER is the answer to the special needs of your intimate care area.
The unscented cream effectively maintains pH balance, slays ingrown hair, fights chafing issues, nourishes skin and softens hair down there, in your bikini area!
Wendy got the idea for the product from a discussion with a guy she was dating in 2012. Let’s just say the convo was about his pubic hair preferences. She then started discussing the concept with some female friends and spent the next few months researching, discovering there was nothing like it on the market.
A biochemist came on board and worked on the formula for four months until it was ready to roll out in June of 2019.
“She let us know a lot of important things about the safety and pH balance,” says Eugenia. “For women who have ingrown hairs, it’s an amazing product. After waxing it’s very soothing and we’ve learned it’s amazing for chafing because it creates a nice barrier between your legs.” She added that one of the biggest things they learned is that just because a product is natural doesn’t mean it’s safe, especially for that delicate area.
With Wendy’s background in prestige beauty projects they started introducing the product to Black women, a segment of the market they felt was neglected by many other skincare and beauty companies although of course, the product works well on all women. “We talked about it from the ‘hood to the hills and worked with gatekeepers to use on clients,” she says.
From its humble beginnings, their Black female owned company has already achieved much success and is working on developing other products.