Move Over Alec and Christian, Here’s Mel!


Mel & Oksana, in more peaceful times

Yes ladies and gentlemen, we’ve probably all seen and heard it before. We’ve all known abusive men like Mel Gibson. Whether it be in the workplace, in the home or in a romantic relationship, there’s nothing new about Gibson’s hateful rant directed at his former girlfriend.  Listening to the just-released tape, no matter by whom, how or why, what was unusual was the racist element of his diatribe.

Sure we’ve all said nasty and hateful things, (listen to Alec Baldwin and Christian Bale) but the vast majority of us wouldn’t use racial slurs in the midst of a heated argument. Whether or not it’s “right” to record someone in their home without their knowledge, are we really surprised at Gibson’s sick, vengeful, racist venom?

Much of it came out after his infamous 2006 DUI arrest on PCH. Then, Jews were the target. With so much money at stake in his illustrious film career, Mel went on the media apology tour and seemed to be somewhat rehabilitated in the public mind– although people have long memories when it comes to repeat offenders. Who could forget his capping off the evening by calling a female sheriff’s deputy “sugar tits?”

And there’s more in store. I’m sure we’ll soon actually hear him say these words, “I’ll burn down the house, but you’ll blow me first”–and hear him rant about “wetbacks.” Oh, boy.

This time it’ll be much harder for Gibson to get back on track.  Even though Ari Emanuel was looking for any excuse to drop him from William Morris, and the death of Ed Limato sealed the decision, I’m sure in due time, another tenpercentary will pick him up.

Back to the tape and Mel’s rant against Oksana’s fake breasts and how she chose to display herself in public, not unlike how countless numbers of “Hollywood” women dress themselves.

It reminds me of how a previously sane boyfriend went postal on me, accusing me of wearing a bathing suit to the beach just so men would look at me and criticizing the way I walk for just the same reason.  He was left to stew in his obsession over where I was when I didn’t answer the phone immediately– and later told me I had ruined his life.  Good riddance.  But the difference was I didn’t somehow manage to sneak in a kid with an incredibly wealthy man I saw as my meal ticket.

Part of me feels sorry for Oksana, with her bruises and broken teeth, but part of me thinks she knew exactly what she was getting into– and is unfortunately now paying the price.


Author: Hillary Atkin

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