Kiefer: Meet Me at the Bar!

It was the big question on the first day of TV upfronts: would Kiefer Sutherland show up at Fox’s big kickoff to the week? Not only did the 24 star take center stage at the presentation, he punched through any illusions of regret about his latest run-in with the law, after a bit of a tease. Saying that this could be one of his last chances to talk to the crowd of advertisers and media buyers (going to jail? scheduled end date?), Sutherland said 24 was the best experience of his career–and his life–crowing about the multiple marriages and births among cast and crew during the show’s run. Then, he said he wanted to wrap things up quickly so everyone could get to the afterparty (although there was much more to come with Peter Rice and Kevin Reilly).
“I’ll meet you at the bar,” he said. “I’ll be looking for you.”
A crowd-pleaser, that one. And a great party…