Killer Mini-Series


Already sucked in to “Generation Kill,” HBO’s seven-part miniseries set during the first days of the invasion of Iraq in 2003. Piece is done partly through the eyes of a veteran journalist on assignment for Rolling Stone embedded with an elite Marine squadron, based on author of the book by the same name, Evan Wright. As a viewer, you’re drawn–actually thrown–into their world from the inside of a poorly equipped and not war-worthy Humvee.  in addition to the well-attended premiere, the producers last week screened it for the toughest audience of all: Marines at Camp Pendleton, Calif. Their verdict: complete thumbs up. This will likely be the first war movie to be successful, because it leaves out politics for the most part and takes you on the edge of your seat to the front lines of a war that should not still be going on.


Author: Hillary Atkin

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