DDL: Class Act at the SAG Awards


I have always been a huge admirer of Daniel Day-Lewis, ever since his “My Left Foot” and “The Last of the Mohicans” days. But his DDL-ness reached new heights with his acceptance speech for winning The Actor for his riveting performance as Daniel Plainview in “There Will Be Blood.” Incongrously, he had appeared on Oprah the other day and told her he wanted to talk about Heath Ledger more than he wanted to talk about himself or his movie, and tonight, at the end of an emotional and heartfelt speech about how other actors inspired him, he dedicated his statuette to Ledger, saying that his scene in the trailer at the end of “Brokeback Mountain” was as moving as almost anything he had ever seen.  In the category of awards show acceptance speeches, I feel the same way about this.


Author: Hillary Atkin

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